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1,875 Comentarios de clientes |
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Not worth the effortWhile I love eSalon, this had way too much of a red tint to it and instead of staining or refreshing my hair, it stained and "colored" my bathroom. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosAligator1126 - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Weekly RetreatI am still deciding if I like this product or not. My hair still feels like it is taking a beating from the coloring, and I feel like my hair is coated, not clean. I just want clean, soft, healthy hair. My hair feels dry and frizzy. I will give it a little more time. 2 de 2 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosJulie - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the results that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not for meI wanted to love it, but sadly it didn't live up to my hopes. I thought this may be like the co-wash, which worked wonders on my curls. I've used this treatment twice, following instructions exactly. But it didn't really make much of a noticeable difference. 1 de 1 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosHi May! We are sorry to hear that the Weekly Retreat hasn't met your expectations. Please check your emails, we just got back to you to help you further. |
I do like the shampooI do not need the Camo Mist or the Weekly Treatment, just cancel this one time 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosJanice - We truly appreciate your feedback! We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Trop chèreBon produit mais vraiment trop chère pour un soin cheveux alors qu il y en a de bcp plus efficaces avec une meilleure composition en grande surface à bcp moins chere 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosNabila B. - Merci pour votre commentaire. Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que notre soin Weekly Retreat ne réponde pas entièrement à vos attentes. Nous voulons sans cesse améliorer notre service et nos produits et nous tenons à votre satisfaction en tant que cliente. Nous espérons pouvoir vous aider par email ! |
Nutze es mit Conditioner zusammenManchmal fehlt mir die Zeit und ich mische es mit Conditioner zusammen und habe so die Zeit gespart. Es ist ok, nicht was super tolles. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosArose Y. - vielen Dank für Ihre Produktbewertung. Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass unser Weekly Retreat nicht Ihren Vorstellungen entsprochen hat. Wir versuchen unseren Service sowie unsere Produkte stets zu verbessern und schätzen wirklich jede Rückmeldung. Bitte halten Sie Ausschau nach einer E-Mail mit weiteren Informationen. Wir schätzen Ihr Feedback wirklich sehr. |
Meinen Haaren tut es nicht gutNach Rücksprache mit meinem Frisör, meinte er man kann es mit der Pflege auch übertreiben. Nach Anwendung und Trocknung an der Luft, musste ich feststellen das mein Haar etwas platt nach unten hing. Nicht wirklich seidenweich und locker. Eine weitere Feststellung war das meine Kopfhaut extrem juckt, kann nur nicht genau sagen welches Produkt das ausgelöst hat. Schade hatte mehr erwartet. Nicht alles ist für jeden geeignet. 1 de 1 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosPetra Angelika B.- Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass unser Weekly Retreat nicht Ihren Vorstellungen entsprochen hat. Wir versuchen unseren Service sowie unsere Produkte stets zu verbessern und schätzen wirklich jede Rückmeldung. Bitte halten Sie Ausschau nach einer E-Mail mit weiteren Informationen. Wir schätzen Ihr Feedback wirklich sehr. |
It’s just okI have followed the instructions to the T. I was hoping I would have soft hair after using these for past 3 weeks. Maybe it worked for other people but not for me. Pretty disappointed. Maybe I got the wrong hair mask or maybe you see a difference after several months. 1 de 1 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosMarilyn - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the results that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
It's just okay.For the first time autoship price it's okay to try it out, but definitely not worth it for the full price to be honest. 2 de 2 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosBrock - We truly appreciate your feedback! We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
I never ordered thisThey just charged me for this and tossed it in. It's just yucky. 1 de 1 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosStephanie - Thanks for sharing your experience; we're truly sorry to hear you didn't like our Weekly Retreat and we look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Our team will contact you via email shortly. |
Never received thisNo rating 1 de 1 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosHello Dottie - We’re truly sorry to hear this. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our services and packaging every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
MehI have been using this product for my extremely dry hair. I was told at a salon I should do a mask. So I bought this one. I have to say my hair feels as dry as ever. I follow the instructions meticulously yet it doesn’t seem to do any better than cheap conditioners from cvs. Not sure why. I will keep using it to see if the mask works over time. But eventually will have to buy something that works better. I am a good shopper here and will look for a different product from them. Maybe this just isn’t the right one to use. So I can’t recommend it based on my experience. I have single process colored hair. 1 de 1 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosHello Ezehair - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the moisturizing results that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Taking payments against my wishesI cancelled all future plans and a payment was taken from my account for an item not requested wk begining 7th November 2022... No idea how I can get this payment back.. this is theft !! I would like to know what their complaints procedure is !!! 1 de 1 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosHi Linda! We are really sorry for any misunderstanding with your Plan. We will look into it, and we'll get back to you to help you further. Please check your emails. |
Order not receivedI have not received my order yet, it has been over 3 weeks since it was shipped! 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosHeather - We truly appreciate your feedback! Upon reviewing your profile, we see that you have already worked with one of our Color Experts to resolve your concern. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help! |
Nothing specialDidn't seem to condition any better than other products that cost less. Product worked OK, but for the cost isn't worth it. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosLarissa - Thank you for sharing your feedback! We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Jamais reçuJ'aimerai bien évaluer mais je ne l'ai jamais reçu ! En revanche j'ai reçu le second kit de coloration sans avoir eu le premier... Avec double facturation bien évidemment. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosSarah B. - Merci de nous avoir contactés. Nous sommes sincèrement désolés d'apprendre que vous n'avez pas reçu votre première commande de coloration et soin Weekly Retreat. Nous allons revenir vers vous par email afin de remédier à cette situation. Encore merci pour votre commentaire. |
MaskDidn't really care for it. My scalp was so itchy.. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosHi Michelle! Thank you for contacting us. We are sorry to hear that your scalp was itchy and that the Weekly Retreat didn't meet your expectations. Please check your email, we've just contacted you to help you further. |
FrizzyIt made my hair look frizzy. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosCarol - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Good productMy hair improved a little from frizz but not what I expected 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosMiriam - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Weekly RetreatDisappointed with this product. Not at all what I was expecting. Made my hair feel like it had a coat of wax on it. I applied exactly as directions stated on the package 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosSue - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the results that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Nothing specialI have a very dry hair and I did not see any difference. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosHi Elizabeth! We are sorry to hear that Weekly Retreat didn't meet your expectations. Please check your emails, we've just contacted you to help ou further. |
Nice smell and consistencyIt doesn’t so much for me but smells good and feels good 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosAga - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
NeutreJe ne remarque pas réellement de différence et le temps de pose est très long. Mais bon faisant confiance à votre site je persévère 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosCorinne P. - Merci pour vos commentaires. Nous sommes désolés d’apprendre que vous n’êtes pas totalement satisfaite de votre expérience avec notre Weekly Retreat. Nous souhaitons sans cesse améliorer notre service et nos produits et nous tenons à votre satisfaction en tant que cliente. Nous espérons pouvoir vous aider ! |
Too Strong SmellThe quality of the product was great but the smell was way to strong for me. I prefer more gentle smells. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosCatherin - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Weekly retreatSo let me just say I love ESALON more then anywhere else it is side by side with actual salons, I don't much care for this condition it's a lil greasy but I sapous it is for DEEP CONDITIONING. RIGHT!? 🙂 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosJamie - We truly appreciate your feedback! We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Nothing SpecialNot worth the price, especially when it autoships and you haven't used the first one. Please stop autoshipping! 0 de 1 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosShannan - We truly appreciate your feedback! Upon reviewing your profile, we see that you have already worked with one of our Color Experts to resolve your concern. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help! |
PflegeTolle Pflege, Haare fühlen sich danach gut an. Lässt sich aber nicht gut ausspülen. Deshalb keine 5 Sterne 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosSonja B. - Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Wir bedauern sehr, dass unser Weekly Retreat nicht Ihre Erwartungen erfüllt hat. Im Zuge unserer Kundenzufriedenheitsgarantie möchten wir gern mit Ihnen darüber sprechen, wie wir es wiedergutmachen können. Jeder einzelne Kunde liegt uns sehr am Herzen und wir möchten Ihnen ein Produkt anbieten, das Ihre Bedürfnisse besser erfüllt. Bitte halten Sie Ausschau nach einer E-Mail mit weiteren Informationen. |
OkayIt's not a bad product, I just didn't notice a lot of difference when used. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosBrenda - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the deep conditioning that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
It is niceIt is nice but a little thin Wish it had a stronger nicer smell 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosRobin R. - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat didn't meet your expectations. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about rectifying this situation, as per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Please keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Wrong color shippedMy hair is black and I ordered blue black but my hair turned into light brown. Ended up at a Salon to have them fix it and even the stylist said that’s not blue black. I’m still trying to grow it out to get to my real color. Never again I’m ordering a box color especially from here. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosWilma R. - Thank you for reaching out to us here at eSalon! We are so sorry to hear our color did not meet your expectations. Our Color Happiness Guarantee is something we take seriously. We want to work with you to find a resolution and have your hair looking its very best. Please keep your eyes out for an email from us shortly. We will be reaching out to you to make this right! |
Does nothingI don’t see any benefits to this 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosMeghan - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the results that you expected. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Did not work at allI tried Weekly Retreat a few times for my dry, frizzy, problematic hair based on the reviews. It made absolutely no difference and my hair remains the same. For me it was a waste of money and I’m requesting my money back. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosJudy - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Didn’t work for my hairI’m not sure why my results were so different from most of these reviews, but I tried this (following the directions) 2 separate times and it was terrible both times. My hair is fine (and colored), but I have a lot of it. This made it feel like straw and also made it very fuzzy and frizzy looking. It has a really strong perfume scent to it, too - not fruity or even floral smelling, just an overwhelming perfume. For reference, when I use just regular W E N cleansing conditioner on my hair, it feels hydrated and slick and bouncy. This just stripped all of that away. Glad it works for some people, but it’s definitely not for me! Worth a try for a $6 add-on, though. 1 de 1 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosLori - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Nothing specialReally don’t get much more of a result than using every day conditioner. If you want results use the Alterna Caviar conditioner 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosRhonda - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Normal ConditionerI didn't find this much help on my damaged hair, just did the same as a normal conditioner 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosLinda S.- Thank you for your feedback. We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet up to your expectation. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about rectifying this situation, as per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Please keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not badNot bad but I get the same results with drug store weekly treatments at a fraction of the cost. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosAshely - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
It’s okI like other things much better 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosTerri - Thank you for sharing your feedback. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. |
Haven’t noticed any differenceI’d rate higher if I’d noticed any difference 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosSusan - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
could leave better moisturecould leave better moisture 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosRachele - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the mositure that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not satisfiedMy hair wee still dry and damaged after using this product. Plz don't take me wrong it could be that it didn't suit my hair. X 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosSoundas K. - Thank you for your feedback. We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet up to your expectation. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about rectifying this situation, as per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Please keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Okay for nowUsed Weekly Retreat for the first time, left it on for 20 minutes. My hair felt a little better but still looks damaged. Will leave it on for 30 minutes next time 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosPhyllis - Thank you so much for sharing your feedback with us! We're so happy to hear that you're noticing some change with the Weekly Retreat! We truly value your feedback and look forward to hearing from you again in the future. |
CommandeJe n’ai toujours pas reçu ma commande .... 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosCarole - Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que votre commande ne soit pas arrivée et nous vous remercions de nous avoir informés. En examinant votre profil, nous constatons que vous nous avez déjà contactés et nos équipes vous ont assistée, selon votre requête. N'hésitez pas à revenir vers nous si besoin ; nous serons ravis de vous assister ultérieurement ! |
Not as expectedI had high hopes for this product, but, I was not impressed with the results. First time I used the suggested amount. When I went to rinse my hair I had to add my normal conditioner to complete the conditioning. The second time I put 3x the amount to give my hair more conditioning. Still had to recondition my hair. Sorry but I won’t be using and buying again. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosMary - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the results that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
ScentTo strong of a scent for me but my friend liked it. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosTracy - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know about your concern. |
Works well but smellsI like how it made my hair feel but the smell is very off-putting. :( 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosMare - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the aroma that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not a matchThis was too dark for the color esalon designed for me 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosTabatha - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Pas malPour ma part, pas assez nourrissant 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosSTEPHANIE P. - Merci d'avoir partagé votre avis avec nous ! Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que notre soin Weekly Retreat n'a pas complètement répondu à vos attentes. Votre satisfaction est très importante pour nous. Nous allons donc vous contacter par email afin de remédier à cette situation et vous conseiller. |
Does NOTHING!Makes my hair feel like it has a coat of hairspray in it..didn't do anything. What a waste! 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosAshley - We truly appreciate your feedback! Upon reviewing your profile, we see that you have already worked with one of our Color Experts to resolve your concern. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help! |
Not for very fine hairLeft my hair a bit difficult to brush through unlike a conditioner,.and as my hair is very fine it made it look greasy even though I washed it thoroughly, it did leave it very soft but fluffy ,as I say it may work realy well on thicker hair ,so I don't like to judge too much ,but definitely not for very thin hair 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosJulie G. - Thank you for reaching out to us here at eSalon! We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our Weekly Retreat. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about rectifying this situation, as per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Please keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Does not perform wellDid not perform well 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosDeborah - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the conditioning that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Awful!!This left my hair dry on the ends but yet unable To fully dry?? Tried re-Teri sing and still no better so had to completely rehash my hair with my normal stuff 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosAndrea P.- Thank you for your feedback. We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet up to your expectation. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about rectifying this situation, as per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Please keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
CondonerWeekly retreat, after damage caused by colour, weekly retreat was used daily, till l got my usual L’anza order. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosJennifer M. - We appreciate your feedback here at eSalon! We are so sorry to hear that you have experienced some difficulties during the process. Our Customer satisfaction is something we take seriously. We want to work with you to find a resolution and make sure you have a hassle-free service with us. Please keep your eyes out for an email from us shortly. We will be reaching out to you to make this right! |
sincere apologies, I found it /tCouldn't use it because I never received itFound it. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosJennifer - Thank you for your feedback. We’re glad to hear you've found your package. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day along with our customer service. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Jamais reçuJamais reçu 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosQods S. - Merci pour vos messages. Nous sommes désolés que notre Weekly Retreat n'était pas inclus dans votre commande eSalon. Nous allons vous contacter par e-mail afin de vous aider. |
OMGI didn't even order this Crap. STOP ALL MY BUSINESS 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosJudie - We truly appreciate your feedback! Upon reviewing your profile, we see that you have already worked with one of our Color Experts to resolve your concern. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help! |
Too heavy for my hairI have quite fine hair and this leaves it feeling to heavy and weighed down 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosJustine H.- Thank you for your feedback. We apologize that our Weekly Retreat has not given you the best experience. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about rectifying this situation, as per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Please keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not so muchSo I have medium thick hair and this product makes my hair frizz so I really don’t appreciate it 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosJoayn - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Not for everyoneI am not a fan of it as for it makes my hair very dry. Not for my type hair. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosEmilie - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the results that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Beschwert die HaareGefällt mir nicht so gut. Die Locken gehen raus und die Haare werden glatt und schwer. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosMeike Z. - Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Wir bedauern sehr, dass unser Weekly Retreat nicht Ihre Erwartungen erfüllt hat. Wir versuchen unseren Service sowie unsere Produkte stets zu verbessern und schätzen wirklich jede Rückmeldung. Wir hoffen, dass wir Ihnen auch weiterhin dabei können, Ihre Farbträume zu verwirklichen! |
not what expected.Did not moisturize my hair as I expected it would. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosGerrie - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide results that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Pas le meilleur mais pas mal non plusLe parfum est très agréable, les cheveux sont plutôt doux et se coiffent bien mais au coiffage, ils gonflent ++ 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosLea - Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous faire part de vos commentaires. Nous sommes désolés d’apprendre que vous n’êtes pas totalement satisfaite de votre expérience avec notre Weekly Retreat. Nous voulons sans cesse améliorer notre service et nos produits et nous tenons à votre satisfaction en tant que cliente. Nous espérons pouvoir vous aider ! |
depends on your hair typeThe product by itself might be great, but I have thin and oily hair, so it is too heavy for me and leaves my hair limp. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosSigita N. - Thank you for your feedback. We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet up to your expectation. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about rectifying this situation, as per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Please keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Too much fragranceThis product is very heavily scented. I wouldn't buy it again based solely on the scent. It worked OK for moisturizing my hair but I wouldn't say it was an amazing product. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosMyriah - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know about your concern. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further, and see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not for meIt really makes your hair soft and silky but if you have thinning hair (like me), it takes the volume away and your hair is flat. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosVelva - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Not Buying This AgainSorry to leave negative reviews when I love the hair color so much, but this stuff didn't help my hair at all, and seemed actually to dry my hair out. If I just spray some Biolage Smooth Shine Milk, my hair is soft, and shiny, and the natural curl is perfect! But the Weekly Retreat didn't do anything positive. I tried it with and without the Milk, and it dried my hair out no matter what. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosPatricia - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the results that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Dringende Warnung vor Bestellung !!!Habe vor mehr als 1 Monat eine Versandbestätigung erhalten und immer noch keine Lieferung . Begründet wurde das mit Corona und Brexit. Es wird dem Kunden suggeriert, dass man sich kümmert indem vermutlich Textbausteine automatisiert versendet werden. Zumindest das Geld für die Farbe wurde erstattet. Für die Produkte gibt es wohl keine Erstattung. Hier wird auf das Transportunternehmen verwiesen. Ich kann nur dringend abraten!!!!! 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosKarin O.- Vielen Dank für Ihre Kontaktaufnahme! Es tut uns unheimlich leid, dass Sie Ihre Bestellung noch nicht erhalten haben. Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich für die entstandenen Unannehmlichkeiten entschuldigen. Ein Blick in Ihr Profil hat uns verraten, dass Sie bereits mit einem unserer Farbexperten zusammengearbeitet haben, um Ihr Problem zu lösen. Bitte geben Sie uns Bescheid, wenn wir noch etwas für Sie tun können. Wir sind für Sie da. |
Not what I expectedEasy to use, clear instructions. However, I expected better results. It was really no different than using any regular conditioner, but more expensive per ounce. The smell is also almost chemical in nature. I will not buy again. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosNikki - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the results that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Smells great but no deep moistureDeep moisture is Not what you get with this mask. My hair was drier after using it. It smells great though. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosColleen - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the deep conditioning that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Rien d'exceptionnelDonne le même résultat qu'un après shampooing efficace, moins bien que mon masque habituel. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosLaetitia I. - Merci d'avoir partagé votre expérience avec nous. Nous sommes désolés d’apprendre que notre Weekly Retreat n'a pas fourni le résultat auquel vous vous attendiez. Nous voulons sans cesse améliorer notre service et nos produits et nous tenons à votre satisfaction en tant que cliente. Votre avis est important pour nous ! |
What is itDidn't receive this 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosGerrie- We truly apologize that you never received your Weekly Retreat. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Dislike smellSmells too strongly of perfume. Won’t buy again. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosMonica- We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not work out for you. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Too heavy for my hairIf you have thick dry hair then this product is for you. I find it too heavy for my hair. I have started to use it a little bit at a time on my ends but I can’t use it all over my head. It looks flat and weighed down if I do 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosStephanie- We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat weighed your hair down. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Everyday Conditioner rather than WeeklyI was disappointed by the name of this product. It’s suggesting it is a weekly conditioner and a weekly conditioner in my experience is of a thicker consistency and is intensely reparative. I use this every time I wash my hair. It’s an average conditioner. Doesn’t repair much. It’s not bad it’s just not great. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosMonica- We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the results that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Ok so farNot used enough between washes to give a comment yet 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosMaureen S.- Thank you for your feedback. We hope that you will have a chance to use our Weekly Retreat in the future. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Just okNothing special 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosThomas- We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Product is good but time consumingI have to wash my hair twice to get it out such that my dry hair is not...crunchy? Really great softness though and you can get away with not conditioning for the next one or two washes. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosZoe- We're thrilled to hear that you're enjoying the Weekly Retreat. I am sorry to hear that the process is longer than you expected. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! We look forward to our next opportunity to delight you! |
TROP D EMBALLAGE QUI NE SERT A RIEN - MERCI DE SIMPLIFIER LE PACKAGINGBonjour, Je ne suis pas satisfaite de l'emballage car 80 % de ces composants ne servent à rien et cela ne procure PAS une impression de haute gamme. Réduisez SVP l'impact écologique de l'emballage et diminuer le prix des produits ou augmenter les contenances pour un prix identique. Merci de prendre le temps de me répondre.. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosMartine - Nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de partager votre opinion avec nous, très importante car elle nous permet d'améliorer ! Nous continuons néanmoins à veiller à améliorer notre qualité de service et nous prenons note de vos remarques. Nous vous avons aussi envoyé un email avec quelques informations en plus sur nos boites, et nous restons à votre écoute |
An ok productNothing special about this product. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosZuflia - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Trockene HaarstrukturBin nicht zufrieden, habe eine sehr trockene haarstruktur, war nicht hilfreich 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosBilgen P. - Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Wir bedauern sehr, dass unser Weekly Retreat nicht Ihre Erwartungen erfüllt hat. Im Zuge unserer Kundenzufriedenheitsgarantie möchten wir gern mit Ihnen darüber sprechen, wie wir es wiedergutmachen können. Jeder einzelne Kunde liegt uns sehr am Herzen und wir möchten Ihnen ein Produkt anbieten, das Ihre Bedürfnisse besser erfüllt. Bitte halten Sie Ausschau nach einer E-Mail mit weiteren Informationen. |
Helps a bitMy hair is naturally curly and coarse. This product doesn’t help much but I like the smell. I use it once a week, I actually leave it on overnight and rinse out the next morning. The day I rinse the conditioner out I feel as though it makes my hair manageable. I have used this product for 2 months and I still have some left in the container. I will use the entire product, if not for the texture it leaves my hair but for the fragrance. It’s not a strong fragrance but I like it. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosRuby- We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the texture that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Just mehI have a slight wave to my hair as well as dry thick hair and I was excited to try something new. I was hoping this would help smooth out the tangles and add some softness to my hair, maybe my expectations were too high. The product smells great but it just did nothing for my hair. 2 de 2 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosRose- We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the texture that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not badIt’s ok but hair still feels dry 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosDawn - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! Please, check your inbox, you will find more details in the email we've sent you. |
MaskDoes nothing 0 de 1 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosTracey- We’re truly sorry that our color did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not for meNot crazy about this deep conditioning. My hair is dry and frizzy so I used it for 20 minutes as the instructions said to do. No change. My hair still looks dry and frizzy, feels heavy, my bangs look greasy and it was hard to style. The remaining amount I have I'll use when I know I'm not going out or to work. I won't be ordering this again. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosDebbie - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the deep conditioning that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not very moisturizingMy hair felt dry after using. I had to follow up with my regular conditioner to get the tangles out. Disappointed. 0 de 1 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosKristy - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the conditioning that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Shipping slow! More than 13 days to get here?Hello, my order was shipped on the 3rd of November and the tracking says it will be here on the 16th on November? I really need it by the 8th if November : ( 0 de 1 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosMaria- We're truly sorry that your Color Kit has not arrived. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Good for thicker hairThis weekly mask is definitely hydrating unfortunately no matter how well I rinse it’s too much for my hair. I have thick (as in lots of) but super fine strands and this leaves my hair feeling a little greasy and weighed down. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosKristen - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide perform that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Does not work for me.this has a nice smell but it makes my hair unmanageable too dry. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosPauline- We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the moisture that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Pour cheveux lissesProblème : me débouche les cheveux mais très hydratant 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosBéatrice - Nous sommes vraiment désolés d’apprendre que notre Weekly Retreat n'a pas fourni le résultat auquel vous vous attendiez, et nous vous remercions d'avoir pris le temps de nous informer ! Nous vous avons envoyé un email, nous espérons de pouvoir vous proposer des produits qui répondent mieux a vos besoins ! |
Not resultsThis deep conditioner simply didn't deliver. It didn't do any damage but I could name about 5 other deep conditioners that are much more worth the time and money. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosLauren - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the deep conditioning that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
No differenceI saw no difference in my hair for its strength or a change in dryness, but it did shine up my hair a little bit. Not impressed. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosKaitlyn- We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the strength and moisture that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Very disappointingUnfortunately, after so many successes with eSalon products and services, this one did not work at all for me. My hair isn’t softer or shinier, and in fact it seemed to make it more lifeless. 🙁 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosKaren - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide deep conditioning that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
gehtfür meine Haare nicht so gut, eher strohige Haare dadurch 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosHelga M. - Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Wir bedauern sehr, dass unser Weekly Retreat nicht Ihre Erwartungen erfüllt hat. Im Zuge unserer Kundenzufriedenheitsgarantie möchten wir gern mit Ihnen darüber sprechen, wie wir es wiedergutmachen können. Jeder einzelne Kunde liegt uns sehr am Herzen und wir möchten Ihnen ein Produkt anbieten, das Ihre Bedürfnisse besser erfüllt. Bitte halten Sie Ausschau nach einer E-Mail mit weiteren Informationen. |
No observable benefitDisappointing product regarding detangling effects and providing additional shine. Heavy feel on the hair. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosRoni - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
strong perfume odorI could not use this because the perfume smell was way to strong for me. If you aren't sensitive to smells, it may work fine for you. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosML18 - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Not for meIt made my hair feel greasy sorry smells nice 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosSandra K. - Thank you for your feedback! We’re so sorry to hear that you were disappointed by the experience you had with our Weekly Retreat. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection, so we will be reaching out to you to make this right! |
Fine conditionerIt’s a fine conditioner but not the best. Left my hair a bit oily 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosStefanie- We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not noticeable moistureI have used it twice and left in for more than the recommended 20 minutes. But I can’t say that I see much of a change in the condition of my hair. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosConnie - We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide deep conditioning that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not bad...not greatI was hoping this would be consistent to keep my hair soft, and color protected, especially during the summer season when I am in water and the sun. While there is a subtle difference after use, it is nothing that stands out. I would still be shopping around to compare other similar masks. I will continue the rest of it to see how it works as we go into fall/winter season. 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosJenn- We're truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not provide the consistency that you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Rough PatchWhile this is good for most of my hair...there is this rough spot that nothing seems to fix. I have even gone to silk pillowcases and still...dry and knotty. I do not want to 'cut' it out because it is too much. I'd like to be able to recover this to keep my length without big tangles. 🧐 0 de 0 personas encontraron este comentario útil. ¿Y tú? |
Respuesta de nuestros expertosLaura - We’re truly sorry that our Weekly Retreat did not meet your expectations. We take our clients' feedback to heart and continue to improve our products each and every day. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |