Meet Pollychrome: How We Make Custom Hair Color
Hair color is part art and part science. Our technology gives us the ability to bring the two together in a way never seen before. Some call it the future of hair color, we call it Pollychrome.
Reimagining color.
So this technology we speak of—how do we do it? We wish we could say it’s simple, but it actually took years of research, expert development, and fine-tuning. Like most hair color companies, we start with the basics, aka the color wheel. It informs how we use “harmonious color schemes,” “pure color,” and things like shade, tone, and tint to lay the groundwork for our color formula. But we’re not the kind of company that settles for “what’s always worked.” We wanted to make it even better, so we took a step into the future by customizing each hair color bottle we create. And that’s where science and technology come in.
To pull this off, we built two totally unique components that together disrupt the entire hair color industry. First, we created dual-patented software that enables us to create unique color formula IDs. Then something else comes into play. The star of the show. The tour de force. Our do-it-all, label-making, color-dispensing, bottle-capping, watch-out-world machine—Pollychrome.

Our Color Editor.
You know the drill: you tell us about your hair history and color goal, then we run with it to craft your custom shade. We do it by using our Color Editor, which is able to tweak your color with a level of customization unseen in the industry. Think of it this way, your Colorist is the artist and the Color Editor is their paintbrush. But instead of hand-mixing dye and eyeballing tones, our Colorists are trained to create color virtually. How? Our engineers and coders turned color into a language. Shade variations and pigments become characters and symbols that make up your color formula ID. Using the Color Editor, your Colorist references your photo and the info in your Color Profile to determine your base color. Then, they can formulate less than ¼ shade difference in things like “tone,” “warmth,” or “vibrancy,” all while factoring in your hair history and gray percentage. It’s how they meet your exact specifications, to make your color completely unique to you.
So how does your custom color go from numbers to, well, hair color? Here’s where it gets really good. We built a mixing machine named Pollychrome, which means “many colors.” Polly speaks our language. Ok, so it doesn’t literally speak (we’re working on it) but it does communicate with our Color Editor by taking your formula ID and putting it into action.
Here’s how it works: First, your personal Colorist creates your formula ID using our Color Editor then hits “send.” It passes over to Polly, who prints that formula ID, your name, and the date we made it on a label. That label gets placed onto an empty color bottle and travels down a conveyer belt to the dispenser. A little scanner reads your label and triggers the precise amount of varied pigments and toner to be dispensed into your bottle, down to a single drop.
In fact, Polly is capable of dispensing over 2.2 octooctogintillion pigment variations (yup, that's a real number), all drawing from vats of color that have been custom formulated by our experts right here, on-site. Each pigment dispensed is actually measured by weight (instead of volume like most places) on a high-grade medical scale (because we’re fancy). Then, your bottle is capped, packaged, and sent to its home—or apartment, or office, or wherever your hair desires.

And there you have it—truly custom hair color made from scratch, just for you.