2022 Zodiac Colorscope
This is going to be your most colorful year yet.
This year we asked our colorists to search the stars and find the shades that represent your Zodiac sign best — and may even get you through Mercury in retrograde. So roll up your sleeves and grab an application brush, because we’re giving you exclusive insight into your horoscope and the coveted shades that harness your true nature.

Dates: Jan 20th - Feb 18th, 2022
This is the year of decisions for you (mighty bearer of water), but don’t worry because you have all the answers deep inside. The time you take to think through things isn’t time wasted, but a critical moment for you to weigh outcomes and find those answers. Sure you can speak to friends and family to help you along the way, just remember that you have the truest heart. Listen to your inner dialogue and trust yourself.
While Mercury is having her moment (from January 15th through February 5th), this is the time to hone in on your favorite pastimes to recharge and check-in with yourself. Make your big decisions before and after this rough patch. Every moment in between, you’re brimming with ideas that beg to be shared with the world. Bolster your confidence, share with others around you who look to your intuitive spirit for inspiration. Now get out there and shine!
Your Power Hues: Caramel Blonde, Toasted Brunette, Eggplant or Wine Brunette to Black, Brushed Mahogany Red

Dates: Feb 19th - Mar 20th, 2022
You lucky star, there’s no retrograde in your season which is why you thrive on and swim right on by. Keep that mentality going and just know that the doors are open for you to take what you need and embrace your inner talents. This is your season to enjoy the fruits of your labors because all of your hard work has finally paid off. You’ve done all your research and paid your dues, so get into the thick of it with whatever your heart desires. If there’s drama in your life, it’s likely because you’re pulling it toward you — if there’s fortune in your life, it’s because you’ve attracted it and asked the stars. You need only ask and whatever you want will come your way.
Your Power Hues: Blush Berry Blonde, Jammy Apricot Copper, Terracotta Brunette, Cool Black

Dates: Mar 21 - Apr 19th, 2022
It’s taken you a long time to get to where you are right now, Ram. That job you were looking to take or that new relationship you’re weighing the pros and cons about, the decision making is done. Trust your gut and know that everything will work out because experiences are all that matter right now. You’re soaking up all the parts of your best self and letting it all ferment; you’re like a fine wine that’s ready for tasting. Without Mercury stepping in your limelight, the world is your playground to make your dreams come true.
Now, there may be a little mystery you’ll have to create around your secret explorations but a few secrets never hurt anyone. Be mysterious and use that quiet time and solace as a weapon to own who you are, only allowing those you trust in on your secret. It’s all about persona, Aries. Harness that fire and let it burn slowly to keep you going through the year.
Your Power Hues: Poppy Red, Berry Red, Ash Blonde, Crimson Brunette, Rose Brunette to Black

Dates: Apr 20th - May 20th, 2022
Whether it’s finding yourself in a new friendship or relationship thanks to chance encounters, you are the sign that is doused in love all year. The best part of this whole thing? You’re living in it right now and may not even realize it. Enjoy yourself and let those good feelings come rushing in because you deserve every ounce of it, Taurus. Get ready for weekend getaways or a dose of snuggly staycations, because you’ve done your due diligence and now it has all paid off. Remember to share your softer side with any newcomers and open your heart to what’s in store for you and what’s already at your front door.
Even while Mercury crashes the party, keep your head up and in the game. Don’t worry about anything that threatens to throw you off course, because you’re stronger than you know.
Your Power Hues: Golden Black, Milk Chocolate Brunette, Toasted Chestnut Blonde, Antique Rose Red

Dates: May 21st - Jun 21st, 2022
You might be in a tough spot at the moment trying to pick up the pieces and get things back in order. There is beauty in mess, especially the big messes, so take your time and let it all sit until you’re ready to get to it. Some problems may not have solutions and that’s just fine with you since you’ll be ready to move on once you’ve come to terms with it. Keep yourself surrounded by friends and your closest (preferably nonjudgmental) family members because those are the people who will help break you out of your comfort zone and into a world of discovery.
It might feel like all of your hard work and investments are tossed by the wayside, but it’s just a reminder that whatever it was, wasn’t working for you. When clothes don’t fit or your favorite route to work just doesn’t suit you anymore, take a new turn, donate them, and move on. You’ll find the right fit soon, and with Mercury in Retrograde, the possibilities are endless.
Your Power Hues: Mandarin Copper (Blonde or Light Brunette), Butterscotch Blonde, Persimmon Red, Sunset shades with Golden highlights.

Dates: Jun 22nd - July 22nd, 2022
If you needed a sign for you to let go of those things that aren’t working or making you feel less than what you’re worth, consider this your sign. You don’t have time for anyone or anything that takes a toll on your self-confidence because you are a star who deserves to shine. You may feel anxious and uncomfortable as you take a step back and really take stock of everything in your life, and that’s okay. You’re in a transition and it’s all for the better.
Take some time to relearn who you are and what you love. Spend quiet time alone. Go on walks. Reach out to friends who’ve moved away and lean on their experiences. You will become new again, emerging stronger than ever.
Your Power Hues: Tigerlily Red to Blonde, New Sierra Dark Blonde to Medium Brunette, Brilliant Fog Gray, and Coral to Copper tones in any hair color

Dates: Jul 23rd - Aug 22nd, 2022
You are a go-getter and always the one to lead the pack. However, this way of living keeps you on your toes and you need to get your bearings. Instead of clinging to old ways, embrace the new and sometimes tough changes coming your way. You’re a leader and know how to handle things once they settle down, and if you don’t have the answers to recurring questions then get creative. Something is coming that will guide you right along into the spotlight where you shine best. Let it in, have a little faith, and lean into your strengths.
The world needs you now more than ever. Don’t give into pre-retrograde doubts from jealous Mercury toward the end of August — keep on your path to newness. Lions travel in packs, so remember that you always have a pack of close friends with you whenever you need them.
Your Power Hues: Honeydew Blonde, Cayenne Coral Copper to Red, Warm Apricot Brunette, Highlights to bring out your natural glow

Dates: Aug 23rd - Sept 22nd, 2022
You are the world’s explorer this year and you’re ready to break out of your shell, try new things, and hear fresh perspectives. While you might be feeling down and unable to pick yourself up, you know the best is yet to come and that means change. Remember that you’ve only seen a small part of the world, so give in to feeling the need to travel or discover uncharted locations around you. It’s easy to look past things with your head held high and your eyes straight ahead, but this is your sign to stop, look around, and take it all in.
Even the smallest things you thought weren’t worth your time are calling out to you and begging you to slow down. Curiosity and a genuine need to understand the way things work will help you deal with whatever is going on internally. Soon all the muted tones and muffled sounds will change into vibrant colors and rich music. All you have to do is follow the music and dance.
Your Power Hues: Sunset Copper, Camellia Blonde, Pearlescent Dark Brunette to Black, Saucy Red

Dates: Sept 23rd - Oct 22nd, 2022
As the heart and soul of your group, everyone wants a moment of your time and your advice. While it may be tempting to be the center of attention, don’t forget to take a moment and embrace the calm. The spotlight is not going anywhere and you always know how to bring the star energy. In fact, the more time you spend on yourself the more you’ll have to give. Recharge and make sure you have enough of that positive energy for all, especially yourself.
Mercury in retrograde starts up again through most of September, but frequent check-ins will keep you balanced and happy. Mercury can’t fool you because you have a game plan and won’t be distracted by any of her tricks. Being the superstar that you are, you’ll go on with confidence and get that standing ovation you crave, no matter what obstacles you may face.
Your Power Hues: Plum Dahlia Black, Renaissance Brunette, Heirloom Red, and Dusty Coral Blonde

Dates: Oct 23rd - Nov 22nd, 2022
Over the last year, there have been some tough times in your life. Whether it’s between you and close family members or possibly between you and your significant other, don’t let your forgiving heart and kindness be taken advantage of by others. Take stock of your feelings and let go of anything that’s holding you back from moving on and forward. You are the master of your destiny. While you may feel alone and a little lost at times, you’ll soon find your flock and establish a supportive group of people who understand you.
This is the season of understanding and peace, so put all your energy into goodness and positivity. You’ll be rewarded with clarity and tranquility to help you accomplish your goals with a light heart. We believe in you, Scorpy. You’re the most resilient thanks to your hard exterior that acts as a gateway to your soft, sensitive core.
Your Power Hues: Molten Lava Red, Apple Spice Copper, Ochre Brunette, and Bordeaux Mahogany Black

Dates: Nov 23rd - December 21st, 2022
You’re as lucky as can be right now with everything moving and shaking around you, benefiting from it all. While you’re soaking up all the VIP treatment, remember to give back and be patient with those around you who are still taking a minute to pick themselves up. You’re a kind-hearted person who knows that things don’t usually come easy, so we think you’ll do just fine there Sag.
Once you shed that old skin and worry from last year, you’ll be set free to begin this journey of fun and vibrant experiences. Say yes to everything you’re feeling in the mood for, just remember to stay focused on your goals and don’t get too side-tracked. What inspires you today might be different from tomorrow and that’s totally fine. Just go with the flow and give it your best, day by day.
Your Power Hues: Blush Orchid Blonde, Light Cinnamon Brunette, Eggplant Black, Malbec Mahogany Red

Dates: Dec 22nd - Jan 19th, 2023
The year begins and ends with you, and who better to hold us all together than our lovely gatekeeper. You’re a guide along the way for all those who pass by and you know exactly how to do it without being pushy. Just give yourself more credit while you’re at it and take on all those new sensations with an open mind. New things will present themselves to you, whether it be a new hobby or passion project, or when someone special stops to have a chat with you.
When Mercury goes into retrograde, you might start to doubt yourself and find that all the joy in the small things simmers down. Once the fog clears and you feel the cold chill around you, you’ll wake up and smell the roses. Keep pushing through and you’ll make all the right choices with friends and family around to enjoy the good times alongside you.
Your Power Hues: Marionberry Mahogany to Red, Salmon Blonde, Cosmic Black with Cool Tones, Vibrant Cardinal Copper, Classic Sandy Blonde
For more tips, tricks, color trends, and custom color inspiration check us out on Instagram @eSalon >>.