5 Alternative Self Care Tips to Try

Self-care is an important part of your wellness practice, which focuses on you and what you need to feel balanced, confident, and healthy. Take a moment to reset before the big week ahead with these alternative tips for your self-care—every single day.

Let’s take a moment to press pause and remember it's okay to take time for ourselves. Take a deep breath, hold, and slowly release. Didn’t that feel amazing? If it’s been a while since you’ve taken a deep breath, a walk, or done anything for yourself, then it’s a good idea to set aside some time and do it. Self-love and self-care are one and the same, so we think it’s essential that we give ourselves permission to slow down and smell the roses. Here at eSalon, our mantra is to live colorfully and always to make sure our employees and clients do the same. When you feel good on the inside, it shows.

Self-care doesn’t have to be all meditation and yoga retreats—it’s about the unexpected things especially as we practice social distancing. Whether you’re just starting your self-care journey or looking for fresh tips to add to your routine, we’re sharing our humble list of the top 5 things we do each day. Pressure lightens as soon as we tune in to what we need physically, emotionally, and spiritually with the things we already love to do.

01 Take time to explore.

Image collage of 3 influencer photos from Instagram who travel for self care

Sometimes, heading off to a secluded special place you love, like taking a long drive, is all you need to clear your mind and find peace. Our Copywriter, Gabby, loves going solo on the weekends “I like to enjoy my time without looking at my watch or having any particular direction—I’m free to discover new things and unwind.” We’re often so busy doing things for other people that we forget to look up and enjoy the view. Try getting in touch with nature for a mini-meditation that helps you decompress and gather your thoughts. You may even find a solution to a big-ticket issue you’ve had all week. This could be a great time to walk it out to a new audiobook or album you’ve been putting off.

02 Reorganize or declutter your personal space.

Image of influencer photos of organized and decluttered spaces as one of the 5 ways to self care

Cleaning up your workspace or organizing your closet as we continue working or attending online classes from home can help to clear your mind and make you feel more put together. Even if it’s just clearing out your car, we think setting things right can reset your internal balance. Our Graphic Designer, Lizz says, “For my self care, I don’t accept things into my apartment if the object doesn’t have a purpose. Owning less makes my life efficient and organized, which gives me more time to focus on my well-being.” Think about decluttering your desk or making space on the balcony for a small table and chairs, so you create a tranquil place that’s just for you. Maybe leave a few mood-boosting notes for yourself around the house to find later. Bonus tip: You can do a little clean up while you apply your hair color, so it’s like a two for one deal.

03 Meal prep.

Image of influencer meal prep photos for one of the 5 self care tips

We’re firm believers that looking after your future self is self care too. Dicing onions and mincing garlic (it’s an anti-inflammatory), is a great way to help you clear your mind and work on your health. When you eat well, you feel great. Emily, our Product Development Manager says, “While it sometimes feels like a chore, meal prepping rewards me later by not only guaranteeing I eat healthily through the week but also helping me feel energized. It clears up precious weeknights so I can spend that time with my family.” Try and add in some vitamin-rich veggies to increase your energy levels, support healthy hair growth, and boost your overall mood. For some flare, sprinkle in a few flowers—here’s a list of edible flowers to try.

04 Update your hair care and skin care routines.

Image of influencers who do face masks and skin care for self care

Caring for your skin, hair, and nails is the perfect way to make sure you’re getting everything you need inside and out. Think about refreshing your hair color or trying a new hair mask so you feel hydrated and beautiful. If there’s a special moisturizer or face mask you’ve been eyeing, go ahead and try it out and give your skin some love. Our Marketing Manager, Tina, takes these special moments to spend with her daughter, “We wash our hair and apply a moisturizing hair mask while we watch a Disney movie and paint our fingernails. It's the final touch on a fun weekend together which is so important." Spending a little extra time on you and your family goes a long way.

05 Find new ways to enjoy caffeinated (or alcoholic) beverages.

Image collage of influencers enjoying coffee or wine for self care part of esalon's color mastery tips

There are days when you just want to “wine” about it over a gorgeous glass of chilled Sauvignon Blanc or cozy up to a delicious mocha latte and a good book. To dress up your coffees, try adding some cold brew ice cubes and make it an iced coffee. Or keep your wine as cool as possible with wine cubes, so you’re not left with a watered down glass. Feeling creative? Try making popsicles from your favorite beverages and adding in slices of your favorite fruits for garnish. We’re loving this recipe for rose and kiwi popsicles. It can also be fun to try some of these ideas with friends and see what rituals you create for self-care. Our Graphic Designer, Khalilah reminds us that you don’t have to break the bank, “Me and my boyfriend do a low-cost movie night where we pick a new wine to try and stay in. It allows us to get that movie-like experience we miss while we catch up and spend time together."

We hope that these self-care tips inspire your wellness practice and remind you to put you first once in a while. Try a few of these tips and let us know what your favorites are, or tag us on Instagram @eSalon or on Facebook with a photo of you in your self-care moments. We're here for you.