Introducing Sybil: Confident Color Enthusiast
Our eSalon client Sybil H. is one of the most vibrant, enthusiastic people we know. As a stylist and women's empowerment enthusiast, she is a firm believer that fab hair color works as a total confidence booster. We got a chance to sit with Sybil and talk about her daily routine, how style can express personality, and of course—all things color.
How would you describe the work you do?
I am a fashion stylist and I work with women business owners and entrepreneurs who want to project the look of their brand—especially when they get in front of the camera. So I work with them to show their personality and convey it through their clothing.
What would you say your ideal day is?
My number one favorite thing to do is working with a woman in my styling process. I feel honored being invited into her world, and being able to work with her to really uncover her gifts and who she is. That process is just incredible, I love it.
Now about your hair! How do you typically style it?
The way I typically style my hair varies. I love, love, love to wear my hair down and with a soft wave. It makes me feel very feminine. Sometimes I'll wear in a tight ponytail. I also love the natural look when I let my hair go naturally curly.
How does your color factor into your work?
In the business that I'm in, I can't sacrifice professionalism and polish for convenience. That's just not going to work. The fact that I can color my hair with convenience and really look like I stepped out of a salon, and say I did this, is just fantastic.
“The fact that I can color my hair with convenience and really look like I stepped out of a salon, and say I did this, is just fantastic.
How do you describe your relationship with your hair?
I'm very low maintenance with my hair. It grows fast, it dries quickly, it's thick, and it takes to a curl or it takes to straight pretty easily. So I enjoy the low maintenance of my hair.
What is your personal color-style?
I've pretty much been close to the same look my whole life. I'm not super experimental with color. I definitely stay on the safer side, I have to admit to that! But when I get color, it's kind of like that feeling when you get your car washed and it feels like my car runs smoother. I just feel better and I feel more pulled together. I feel like it's a little act of self-love. Just taking care of myself.

How does your color connect with your personality?
I like to think of my hair color as Caramel-licious. I love being outdoors, and when my hair has those warm caramel highlights, it just feels like me. It's really a reflection of how I live and what makes me feel good. It makes me feel like sun rays are beaming down on me, and it just feels very natural and a little touch of earthy-casual.
What draws you to color your hair?
After I've colored my hair it smooths out and softens. I just love how my hair looks, and isn't that the bottom line? You want your hair to look the way you want it to look, to have a little control over that. And then it just makes you feel good.