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1,673 Client Reviews |
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Why did you change this....Reviewed: Repair Conditioner I wish you had never changed this product. The new formula now leaves my hair feeling like straw. Unfortunately I have several bottles to get through, I am seriously debating about throwing them away but that’s a lot of money. I loved the original product that I used for 2 years. To find something that keeps my hair as healthy as the original formula was so difficult. Very disappointed. 10 of 12 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsBrandie - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know about your concern. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further, and see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not pleasantReviewed: Repair Color Care Conditioner What happened to my regular conditioner. This left my hair dry and brittle . Second time I used it I used more than normal to get the soft feeling that I used to get. But it made my hair dull and lifeless. I won't be ordering this product again. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSadaf - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner did not provide the result you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Definitely differentReviewed: Repair Conditioner Only used it once so far but it left my hair smelling like an 80s locker room. Very perfumey smell. Hair is good...nothing to write home about but it does the job. Hoping for awesome results after a few more uses. :) 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsCourtney - Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our Repair Conditioner. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Leaked all over the placeReviewed: Repair Conditioner This was the first time I bought products in the new packaging. When I opened the box the shampoo and conditioner had leaked all over everything which is strange because they were in a bag and the bottles were not punctured. Are you using these new bottles to save cost? It’s not worth it to have to deal with this mess. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsPhyllis - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know about your concern. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further, and see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Leaked all over the placeReviewed: Repair Shampoo When I opened the box the product had leaked all over the place. The box itself was not dented and neither was the bottle of product. It was a mess to clean it all off the other items I purchased. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsPhyllis - We're truly sorry that our Repair Shampoo arrived damaged. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
DisappointedReviewed: Repair Conditioner I was hoping this would be great but after using the conditioner it didn't seem to do anything. It was almost the opposite. I feel like my hair is dryer and more frizzy 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsWendy - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner did not provide the result you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not great for dry hairReviewed: Repair Conditioner Insufficient conditioner for dry ends. Would not order again. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSandra - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner as an insufficient conditioner for your ends. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not my favoriteReviewed: Repair Conditioner I don’t really care for the repair conditioner. My hair feels cousrse afterwards. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsKathy - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner did not provide the results you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Only used once so farReviewed: Repair Conditioner I had to use more than my regular conditioner to untangle my hair. But I have only used it once so far so will see if my hair is in better condition after a month of use. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsBeverly - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner did not meet your expectations. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
A lot neededReviewed: Repair Color Care Conditioner Used along with the repair shampoo. Found my hair needed quite a lot, before I could comb it through, and felt my hair wasn't as conditioned as I would like. I had to wash my hair every other day, as it went flat and greasy, not sure if it was the conditioner, I liked the shampoo, not sure about the conditioner. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsLorraine - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner did not provide the conditioning you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Doesn’t work for my hairReviewed: Repair Conditioner I used this conditioner twice. It doesn’t add moisture hardly at all. I have to use a lot of leave-in conditioner after using this product to make my hair feel normal. Wouldn’t recommend. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsJenifer - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner did not provide the moisture you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Dry, dry, dryReviewed: Repair Shampoo This shampoo makes my hair dry as hay. Even the shampoo packet that comes with the dye kit leaves my hair horribly dry. I thought the repair condioner would counteract the effects of the shampoo, but no. It was just as bad. These products were a complete fail for me. Drug store shampoo/conditioner worked better than this. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsJenifer - We're truly sorry that our Repair Shampoo did not provide the moisture you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
StiffReviewed: Repair Conditioner It made my hair very stiff. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsCynthia - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner left your hair feeling stiff. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not as good as Aussie 3 Minute ConditionerReviewed: Repair Conditioner Doesn't make your hair feel like silk. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsKristine - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner did not provide the result you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details |
Something changedReviewed: Repair Conditioner I have bought this conditioner previously but when I used this new bottle, something changed. It doesn't detangle my hair like it did before and my hair isn't as soft. Not sure if there was a formula change with the packaging change but I am disappointed because I thought I had finally found a product that was great...and then something changed. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMary - We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our Repair Conditioner. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit to your account in the amount of your purchase, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We will reach out to you shortly with more information |
Its okReviewed: Repair Conditioner I don't like the smell 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSharon - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know about your concern. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further, and see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
StrengthensReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Yet leaves hair dry!! 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsShealyn - We’re sorry that you were unsatisfied with our Gaining Strength shampoo and that it left your hair feeling dry. Since you were unhappy with your results, we've issued a credit to your eSalon account. We look forward to delivering the right results for you. |
Smells greatReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Like most of the add-on products this bottle is too small. My hair is long & I went thru this bottle in less than 2 weeks, and I don’t even wash my hair everyday. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMasumi - Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our At Full Strength. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Not what I expected.Reviewed: Repair Conditioner Missed the Smell & Shine I prev got with Heart Lock It shampoo. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSuse - We truly appreciate your feedback. Upon reviewing your profile, we see that you have already worked with one of our Color Experts to resolve your concern. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help! |
Good ishReviewed: Repair Color Care Conditioner Good ish but need to a lot of it for it to make your hair in tangled from shampoo 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsStacy - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner did not provide the result you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
No no noReviewed: Repair Color Care Shampoo Would not recommend hair gets all tangled 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsStacy - We're truly sorry that our Repair Shampoo left your hair tangled. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
DisappointedReviewed: Repair Conditioner I thought it will made my hair smoother and stronger,it did not,will not buy it again, going back to old condiotioner 2 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsBeata - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner did not make your hair smoother and stronger as you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Bottle broken!Reviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Pump never worked....so messy to use. Conditioner ok but not great. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsKaren - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strength Conditioner pump did not work and you were not completely satisfied with the product result. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Why did you change this too?Reviewed: Repair Conditioner The previous version of this product was excellent, however the new bottle is not user friendly, I miss the pump. The fragrance of the new product is offputting and this has no moisture in it, after using it for a few days I had dry staticky hair that I could not control. It is difficult to style and holds no body or shape since the switch. I will be searching for a new conditioner as well, Very disappointed. 7 of 8 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsJanet - Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our Repair Shampoo. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Why in the world did you change this product?Reviewed: Repair Shampoo I had used the old version of this for some time and I loved it. This new product does not have a pleasing smell, it leaves my hair feeling weighed down and coated. I am not at all pleased with the change you made. If its not broken don't fix it! You had a fabulous product and I would use nothing else. Now I am searching for a new shampoo. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsJanet - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know about your concern. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further, and see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not helpfulReviewed: Repair Conditioner This conditioner did not condition and made my hair feel like straw. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsCourtney - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner did not condition and made your hair feel like straw. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Repair ShampooReviewed: Repair Shampoo Eh, so so .... I’m sorry, but I REALLY miss the wonderful smell of the shampoo that would just take you away while washing your hair!! I also loved the adorable packaging it was in. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMoani - Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our Repair Shampoo. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Not so softReviewed: Repair Conditioner I really like salon products, but this conditioner was a bust... there was no silky softness and my tangles were worse. The thickening conditioner was amazing. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsShayla - We're truly sorry that our Repair Conditioner did not provide the softness you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Conditioner just wasn't for me or the shampooReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner I'm sorry I'm not happy with this also these conditioner and shampoos are just not for me I need more conditioner to stop the frizz and make it soft and silky and this just didn't do it for me sorry like I say everybody's hair is different so it may work for somebody else just not for me 1 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsDebra - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strength did not provide the silk you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
BEtter then shampooReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Abit better then shampoo but have to use a lot about 20 pumps and I only have shoulder length hair. Bottle is not very big so could work out quite expensive 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsDarren - Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our At Full Strength. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
WasteReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Makes hair all knotty and vile 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsDarren - We're truly sorry that our Gaining Strength did not provide the look and feel you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Frizzy, tangled hairReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Did nothing to fix the mess the matching shampoo made of my hair. I have a chin length bob and it was still tangled after conditioning with big knots at my roots and dried very frizzy. Straight in the trash. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSarah - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know about your concern. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further, and see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Made my hair fall out!Reviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo I was so disappointed with this shampoo. It was hard to get it to lather, my hair was one huge knot afterwards, and I lost a lot of hair (at least 4 times as much as normal!!). 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSarah - We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out. The reason you are seeing a lack of lather with the shampoo, is that our Color Care Shampoos are sulfate-free. Sulfate is an ingredient that gives shampoo it's suds, but it can be drying and strip your hair of color. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further, and see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Just didn't suit meReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Smells nice and foams well but dried my hair and scalp out. Have ordered an alternative from eSalon to try instead. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsHanna - We're truly sorry that our Gaining Strength left your hair and scalp feeling dry. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Colour care repair shampooReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Like this. Lots of lather and smells great. However I don't think it saved the hair colour any better than my usual product. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsKaren - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know about your concern. |
Nothing SpecialReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Nothing special about this product, it doesn't make your hair feel any better, or shiny. I have never been a fan of any products offered by ESalon, except the color. I have tried many over the years. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsDiane - We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our At Full Strength Color Care Repair Conditioner, and truly appreciate you reaching out to provide your feedback. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further, and see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
oilyReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner after washed with shampoo, this works ok n help with detangled n later on , made my hair oily, itchy scalp, dry flakes 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsOmoore - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strength Color Care Repair Conditioner did not meet your expectations. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
dries my hairoutReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo pump 3x once n during my wash, it dries my hair, hairs fallout in clump 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsOmoore - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know about your disappointment with our Gaining Strength Color Care Repair Shampoo. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further, and see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Repair ConditionerReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner This conditioner reminded me of the conditioner you receive in any box color that you buy at the retail or drugstores. I couldn't say that it repaired my hair.... I have terrible frizzies. It is thick, and a little goes a long way. . I didn't really get a smell that was pleasing or unpleasant. Again I have an unopened bottle that won't be used. I can't say that it may not repair someones' hair but not mine. Thank you for reading and I'm sorry I could not give it more than 2 stars as that is my honest opinion of this product. 19 of 19 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsKaren - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strength did not tame your frizz as you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. Upon reviewing your profile, we see that you have already worked with one of our Color Experts to resolve your concern. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help! |
Color care Repair ConditionerReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner The conditioner is ok. I wish it would last longer but by the end of the day, fly away hair! I dont know if the conditioner is compromised because of the hard water and high calcium though the water is filtered throughout the house. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsCowriderka - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strength Color Care Repair Conditioner did not provide the results you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Gaining StrengthReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo The shampoo is ok. I dont know if the shampoo is my problem or the water. The water is filtered because it is hard water with a lot of calcium. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsCowriderka - We are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know that you weren't thrilled with our Gaining Strength Color Care Repair Shampoo. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further, and see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Did not do what it claims to do.Reviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Didi not repair my hair at all. It actually made my hair worse!! Hate this product!!! 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsCynthia - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strength left your hair feeling worse. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Not what it claims to be.Reviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Did not help my dry hair at all. In fact, it made it even more dry. Would never recommend it to anyone!! I hated it!!! 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsCynthia - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know about your concern. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further, and see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Bottle failureReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner The bottle won't open! Want to try it but I cannot get The pump to work! 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSuzanne - We are so sorry to hear your order arrived damaged. We're always looking to improve our service and products. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further, and see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
AwfulReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo I’m so disappointed in this shampoo! I read all the reviews before I purchased it and I’m extremely disappointed in this product. My hair felt stiff, tangled, and not the least bit soft. I will not be purchasing the conditioner now. 1 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsLeslie - We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our Gaining Strength Color Care Repair Shampoo. We truly appreciate you providing your feedback. We have reached out to you via email to discuss this matter further to see what we can do about remedying this situation. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Never received itReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Haven’t received item 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsFiona - We truly appreciate your feedback. Upon reviewing your profile, we see that you have already worked with one of our Color Experts to resolve your concern. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help! |
Ok shampooReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo The shampoo itself is ok but leaves my hair feeling a little dry but feel that the conditioner helps with that. The bottles are way too small and I would prefer a squeeze bottle to the pump. I have fairly long hair and find that I have to use a lot to cover my whole head, have to pump like 15 times to get enough out! So doesn't last very long! 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsLinda - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out with your feedback on our Gaining Strength Color Care Moisture Shampoo. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Good product, bad bottleReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner I like the product but may not order again because the pump just won’t come open to work. Would rather have a squeeze bottle 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMarcy - Thanks for bringing the issue you’re having with the dispensing pump on our At Full Strength Color Care Repair Conditioner to our attention. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Dries hair outReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Finished the bottle in hopes it would change but made my hair worse 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsJacky - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strength Color Care Repair Conditioner did not provide the results you expected. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Very dryingReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Dried my hair out very bad 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsJacky - We're truly sorry that our Gaining Strength Color Care Repair Shampoo dried out your hair. We have reached out to you via email to see what we can do about remedying this situation, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. Keep an eye on your inbox for more details. |
Color care repairReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo It's okay, leaves hair a little coarse. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsDebra - We're sorry to hear that the Gaining Strength Repair Shampoo left your hair feeling a little dry. If you're looking for a shampoo that'll maintain the health of your hair and keep your looks healthy and hydrated we recommend our Getting Rich Moisture Shampoo. We've added a credit to your account so you can try this product instead. Look for our email for more information. |
Is not good for my hair texture.Reviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Causes my hair to kink-up and feel rough 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsDeborah - We’re sorry that you were unsatisfied with our Gaining Strength and that it left your hair feeling rough. Since you were unhappy with your results, we've issued a $15 credit to your eSalon account. We look forward to delivering the right results for you. |
OkayReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Unlocked my hair after the shampoo had knotted it together. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSarah- Thank you for your feedback. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
HorribleReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Made my hair lock together and hard to clean! Was horrible. I didn't like one bit 0 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSarah- Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our Repair Shampoo. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Not reviewedReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner I didn’t receive this!!!! Please resend 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsLouvenia- We are currently processing a complimentary replacement order for you. Once the order has shipped, you will receive a separate email confirmation with an estimated date of delivery. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please let us know if we can assist you further! |
AverageReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Perhaps my hair is to thin or not damaged enough but I find my hair is totally lifeless and flat after using this product 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSusan- We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our At Full Strength Conditioner. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit to your account in the amount of your purchase, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We will reach out to you shortly with more information |
ItchingReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo I can not explain why or how but this stuff makes my head soooo itchy. Not a fan. 1 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSusan- We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our Gaining Strength Shampoo. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit to your account in the amount of your purchase, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We will reach out to you shortly with more information |
Definitely not my favoriteReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo I had high hopes for this product but it just made my hair feel like straw, not soft at all, very disappointed with it. 1 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsRachel- We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our Gaining Strength Color Care Repair Shampoo. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit to your account in the amount of your purchase, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We will reach out to you shortly with more information. |
Turns your hair into strawReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Worst shampoo ive ever used. coated your hair in something which make your hair feel like dry straw, while in the shower, not even when dry, i had to use half a bottle of conditioner to bring back my hair. feel like it strips it off all its moisture. really not happy with this 2 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSonia- We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our Gaining Strength Shampoo. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit to your account in the amount of your purchase, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We will reach out to you shortly with more information. |
waste of moneyReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner very runny and not moisturising at all. didn't feel like it did anything for my hair at all. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSonia- We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our At Full Strength Conditioner. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit to your account in the amount of your purchase, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We will reach out to you shortly with more information. |
I finally used my old shampooReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo This may be an ok daily use shampoo, but I don't shampoo daily in order to preserve my color. I never could get the color out with this shampoo, even after multiple applications. 1 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsLisa- We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our Gaining Strength Color Care Shampoo. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit to your account in the amount of your purchase, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We will reach out to you shortly with more information. |
Would give it a zero if I couldReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Probably the harshest shampoo I've ever tried. Smells like bar soap...the conditioner is the same.....it can't overcome the overwhelming harshness of the shampoo and wouldn't work through the giant wadded knot that the shampoo produced...also smells like bar soap. Just horrible!!! 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsJennifer - Thank you for your feedback. We're sorry that you were unhappy with the scent. We're constantly looking to improve our service and products based on what clients, like you, share with us. |
Total disappointmentReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Smells like bar soap and was not able to remove the tangles produced by the also horrible shampoo...waste of money for sure! 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsJennifer - Thank you for your feedback. We're sorry that you were unhappy with the scent. We're constantly looking to improve our service and products based on what clients, like you, share with us. |
Not as good as I thought it would beReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo I thought it would be more moisturizing and keep the color from fading as quickly than other shampoos but it didn't and it didn't sud up well 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsJulie- We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our Gaining Strength Color Care Repair Shampoo. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit to your account in the amount of your purchase, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We will reach out to you shortly with more information. |
It might work for someone elseReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner It was too heavy for me. Smells great and great packaging 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMelisa- Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our At Full Strength. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Not sureReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo This shampoo smells great but feels heavy and paste like on my hair. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMelisa- Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our Gaining Strength. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
not worth the moneyReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner It works the same as my pantene conditioner for color treated hair. I was really disappointed. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsDebbie- We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our At Full Strength Color Care Repair Conditioner. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit to your account in the amount of your purchase, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We will reach out to you shortly with more information. |
rubbish conditionerReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner dreadful, not a good conditioner for fine, colour treated hair.does not untangle 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsAnnie - We are sorry to hear your weren't satisfied with At Full Strength Repair Conditioner. We've added a credit in your account, so you can try something new. |
Makes my hair dryReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Like I said with the shampoo this made my hair very very dry it smells amazing but no good for my locks. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsKatelyn- We apologize for the disappointing experience. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. Upon reviewing your profile, we see we have reached out to you to discuss your hair color needs and how we can best assist you, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. |
Not for my hair 😩Reviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo I was so excited to try this seeing all the wonderful reviews but it just didn't do it for me. It made my hair dry and I even used at full strength conditioner and my hair still felt dry. I really wanted to like it but the only thing that was good is the amazing smell. It's just not for my hair 😔 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsKatelyn- We apologize for the disappointing experience. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. Upon reviewing your profile, we see we have reached out to you to discuss your hair color needs and how we can best assist you, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. |
can't get the pump to workReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner very disappointing that I can't get the pump to work no matter how I twist and pull. I had the same issue with the shampoo bottle but eventually, it came loose and worked. If you have a 'tested' pump you can send me that would be great. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsAlison - Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our At Full Strength. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Heavy conditionerReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner This is a good deep conditioner, but too heavy for daily use for my hair. After a few days of using a very minimal amount my hair was very heavy. This is good for maybe once a week conditioning treatment. Still looking for a good daily conditioner for color-treated hair. Can you recommend one for me? 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsLorena - Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our At Full Strength. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
ConditionerReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner I used quite a bit of conditioner, but my hair was hard to detangle. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSusan- Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our Repair Conditioner. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
ShampooReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Hair feels stripped. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSusan- We’re sorry that you were unsatisfied with our Repair Shampoo and that it left your hair feeling stripped. Since you were unhappy with your results, we've issued a credit to your eSalon account. We look forward to delivering the right results for you. |
Not recommendedReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Again, watery. Left my hair feeling course and very damaged. Turned my whole head into a frizz ball. The only way I could counteract it was to apply my own deep conditioner to my dry hair. Took 2 additional deep conditioning treatments to repair the damage. 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsJoanne - We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our Gaining Strength. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit to your account in the amount of your purchase, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We will reach out to you shortly with more information. |
Softer hair but needs more workReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner My hair is really curly, frizzy and dry so it's very hard to keep moisture in it and find the products that work. This conditioner helped but wasn't what I needed. For someone with less curls or straight hair would benefit more so than someone with really curly hair. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMary Ellen - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strength did not provide the results you expected. Since you were unhappy with your experience, we've added a store credit to your account with us, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. |
GreasyReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Product left my hair feeling heavy and greasy. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsShauna - We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our At Full Strength. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit in the amount of your purchase. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
This shampooReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo I am not happy with it at all. I really liked the stuff that came with the color and have ordered it with my next shipment. Any way I can return the other one I do not like? 0 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMindy - We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our Gaining Strength. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit in the amount of your purchase. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Can't rateReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Same as shampoo it exploded all over the box. Smells wonderful and the samples that come with the kit are amazing but I wish my bottles I paid for I could use! 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsNicole - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strength did not provide the results you expected. Since you were unhappy with your experience, we've added a store credit to your account with us, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. |
Can't reviewReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Product was all over exploded in my box 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsNicole - We're truly sorry that our Gaining Strength exploded in your box. Since you were unhappy with your experience, we've added a store credit to your account with us, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. |
Dried my hairReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo I am careful to use only a little and not to expect too much lather. The shampoo made my hair feel like straw and was matted while using it. I wish I had requested the moisturizing shampoo 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsJax - We're truly sorry that our Gaining Strength did not provide the experience you expected. Upon reviewing your profile, we see we have added a credit to help you find a product that you love. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
repair shampooReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo not too crazy about how it makes my hair feel once I rinse it out 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMarisol - We're truly sorry that our Gaining Strength did not provide the results you expected. Since you were unhappy with your experience, we've added a store credit to your account with us, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. |
Not as ExpectedReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner I expected this conditioner to be moisturizing but it's not. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsRunning1 - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strength did not provide the experience you expected. Upon reviewing your profile, we see we have added a credit to help you find a product that you love. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Terrible!Reviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Left my hair tangled and not soft... 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMariana - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strength did not provide the experience you expected. Upon reviewing your profile, we see we have added a credit to help you find a product that you love. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Raw unhappy hairReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo I have no idea what it is about this shampoo but we are not friends. When I rinse this out my hair (which rarely tangles) is all sorts of tangled. It's reminds me of when my hair is bleached. This may work for you but it didn't for me. Smells nice though. 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMargaret - We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our Gaining Strength. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit in the amount of your purchase. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Greasy gross hairReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner The shampoo leaves my hair in NEED of conditioner. Hair feels great right out of the rinse. When it dry though OMG. my hair is not greasy. I used to be able to go four or five days without washing and it would feel as greasy as it does when it's dried after a shower. The cheap shampoo and conditioner I used before this make my hair feel way better. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMargaret - We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our At Full Strength. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit in the amount of your purchase. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Not a fan!Reviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner My hair is curly and long. I couldn't get through my hair at all! It was a tangled mess! I had to use my store bought conditioner to comb it out! 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsApril - We're truly sorry that our [insert product name] did not provide the experience you expected. Upon reviewing your profile, we see we have added a credit to help you find a product that you love. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Not as good as Heart shampooReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Seems drying to my hair 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsDear AnnMarie - We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our Gaining Strength Color Care Repair Shampoo. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit in the amount of your purchase. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
DisappointedReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner I first tried the joining forces and the heat protection spray before I committed to the shampoo and conditioner. They made my hair softer, but sticky. I thought maybe since the shampoo and conditioner were cleaning products they may not be so sticky. Nope. They made my hair sticky too. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsKelly - We're sorry for your experience with our At Full Strength Repair Conditioner. We see you've communicated with one of our representatives who helped process your refund for this product. We hope we can help you find soft, sticky-free hair in the future. |
DisappointedReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo I first tried the joining forces and the heat protection spray before I committed to the shampoo and conditioner. They made my hair softer, but sticky. I thought maybe since the shampoo and conditioner were cleaning products they may not be so sticky. Nope. They made my hair sticky too. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsKelly - We're sorry for your experience with our Gaining Strength Repair Shampoo. We see you've communicated with one of our representatives who helped process your refund for this product. We hope we can help you find soft, sticky-free hair in the future. |
not my favoriteReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner it just doesn't feel good on my hair after I use it like the nourishing mask and other conditioners they sell. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsAnne - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strenght didn't make your hair feel good. Upon reviewing your profile, we see we were able to help you find a product that you love. |
feels gummyReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo I didn't like this shampoo, it feels gummy on my hair and doesn't feel clean, the lock it shampoo is much better. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsAnne - We're truly sorry that our Gaining Strength made your hair feel gummy. Upon reviewing your profile, we see we were able to help you find a product that you love. |
Esalon - conditionerReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Not that impressed actually, its ok but not the best for very long coloured hair. My hair was still very dry and I tend to use two conditioners to get a better result. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMelanie - Because you felt our At Full Strength Repair Conditioner didn't provide the result you expected, we've issued a credit to your eSalon account. We'll be reaching out to you shortly with recommendations and look forward to delivering the right results for you. |
Not for meReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner So far all your products are too heavy for my thin hair! =( 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsAmy - We're truly sorry that our At Full Strength did not provide the experience you expected. We see a credit has already been added for your products. We look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. |
Not worth otReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Did nothing for my hair, I used it every other day when I washed my hair like normal 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsStacey - We're sorry our Gaining Strength Repair Shampoo didn't give you the results you were hoping for, so we've added a credit to your account. Check your email for more information. |
Not worth itReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner Did nothing for my hair, non hydrating at all. Make my thin hair even more limp. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsStacey - We're sorry your hair didn't feel hydrated by our At Full Strength Repair Conditioner. We've added a credit to your account, so you can try to find something else more to your liking. We recommend our Every Rich Way Moisturizing Conditioner. We'll send you an email with more information soon. |
Greasy and heavyReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo Maybe this repairs my hair, but it also makes my hair feel and look like I'm a teenager who hasn't showered in a week. I'm okay for a couple of hours, but it isn't long before my hair is weighed down and looks greasy. I do not have a ton of hair, so maybe it would work with someone with a full head of frizzy hair. 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsKasie - We're sorry to hear that you were disappointed by your experience with our Gaining Strength. Because you were unhappy with the results, we have gone ahead and added a credit to your account in the amount of your purchase, per our Satisfaction Guarantee. We will reach out to you shortly with more information. |
Not badReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner I only got to use this twice it helped a little with the frizz but because of the scent I really dont want to use it again. The conditioner was yellow and smelled like a grandma. 1 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsClarissa - Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback. We apologize you don't favor the scent of this conditioner and have added a credit for the amount paid. We will be reaching out to you shortly! |
Very dryingReviewed: Color Care Repair Shampoo This shampoo really dried out my hair. Only used it once. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsDenise - We're truly sorry that our Gaining Strength did not provide the experience you expected. Upon reviewing your profile, we see we were able to help you find a product that you love. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
DisappointingReviewed: Color Care Repair Conditioner It seems less conditioning than the Color Safe Conditioning I've been using. Was hoping to see more smoothing, shine-restoring results. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsGwen- We're sorry to hear that the results of our At Full Strength Color Safe Repair Conditioner did not provide the results you expected. Per your Satisfaction Guarantee, we've added a store credit to your eSalon account for the amount of your purchase. We value every client, and look forward to providing you with a product that will better suit your needs. |