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326 Client Reviews |
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Color ChangeWhen I change color, I receive instructions to first color the outgrowth (roots), let it sit for # minutes then use the rest of the color to color the rest of the hair. That stays for a few minutes, then rinse and get the color out for a few minutes before applying the shampoo but with the color on ALL my hair, one little package of shampoo is not enough to suds up my entire head. So anytime I get an updated color and instructions with pulling it through the rest of my hair, one shampoo package is not enough. Once, after a review, I did receive a second package. The shampoo is ok I guess. 2 of 3 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSharon - We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out. The reason you are seeing a lack of lather with the shampoo, is that our Color Care Shampoos are sulfate-free. Sulfate is an ingredient that gives shampoo it's suds, but it can be drying and strip your hair of color. We're always looking to improve our service and products and hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
No foamThis shampoo doesn’t do any foam, you have to use tons to feel your hair is clean 0 of 1 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsPatricia - We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out. The reason you are seeing a lack of lather with the shampoo, is that our Color Care Shampoos are sulfate-free. Sulfate is an ingredient that gives shampoo it's suds, but it can be drying and strip your hair of color. We're always looking to improve our service and products and hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
I am highly allergic to all forms of SulfaCan you please take the sulfates out of this product? It's not in your newer offerings. 0 of 1 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsSue Ann - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know about your concern. All of our Shampoos and Conditioners are sulfate free and color safe. Please reach out to us if you have further questions or concerns. |
Not enough for my thick hair.I like the shampoo, but there's not enough for my long thick hair. 1 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsPatti - Here at eSalon, we are always striving to create the best products possible. We value your feedback, and truly appreciate you reaching out to let us know about your concern. |
TangledI didn't like the products made my hair knot 2 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsAmber - We’re sorry that you were unsatisfied with our Heart Lock It and that it left your hair feeling knotted. Since you were unhappy with your results, we've issued a credit to your eSalon account. We look forward to delivering the right results for you. |
Not enoughFor long hair one package isn't enough 2 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsValerie - Thank you for your honest feedback. We're always looking to improve our service and products, and truly value everything our clients say. We will take your comments into consideration. We hope to continue helping you find hair perfection! |
Très bienBon shampooing dépanne bien ne prends pas plein de place pour voyager !! 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
TopSuper weiche Haare 🤩 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Unidose shampoingJ'adore la texture de mes cheveux avec ce shampoing 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
classic shampoome deja el cabello suave me gusta y lo recomiendo 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsTopacio - ¡Nos complace saber que está disfrutando del Classic Shampoo Packette! Realmente valoramos todo lo que dicen nuestros clientes. ¡Esperamos seguir ayudándote a encontrar la perfección del cabello! |
Format très pratiquePratiques les dosettes pour les courts séjours en vacances ! 0 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
PerfektEin sehr gutes Shampoo. Es wäscht die Farbe komplett heraus. Macht die Haare richtig seidig und duftet sehr gut. 1 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
PerfektDas Haar fühlt sich gut an und duftet gut 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Magnifico!!Me encanta, y su olor también. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsMagali- ¡Nos alegra saber que está disfrutando del paquete de champú clásico! Realmente valoramos sus comentarios y esperamos tener noticias suyas nuevamente en el futuro. |
Très bienSente bon,agréable odeur.redonne une douceur aux cheveux. 1 of 3 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Super ShampooDas Shampoo ist der Hit! Es macht die Haare leicht, seidig und glänzend. Nach dem Shampoonieren benutze ich auch noch die Spülung, diese ist zum leichten Entwirren der Haare und gibt ihnen den letzten Schliff! 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Excellent parfumJ'adore ce shampooing, il sent divinement bon comme chez le coiffeur. Il laisse les cheveux doux et soyeux. 1 of 3 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
ExcelenteMe encanta 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsYenia - ¡Muchas gracias por compartir tu alegría con nosotros! ¡Nos alegra saber que estás disfrutando del Classic Shampoo Packette! Realmente valoramos tus comentarios y esperamos tener noticias tuyas nuevamente en el futuro. |
Classic ShampoDas Shampoo ist sehr ergiebig und hat einen angenehmen Duft. Das Haar wird super gepflegt. 1 of 1 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
SuperPratique et génial 0 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Très bien👍 Bon resultat 1 of 3 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
SuperIst zum empfehlen 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
ergebnis haarwäscgesuper produkt. es schmeichelt den haaren und sie werden wunderbar sauber schon nach einer anwendung 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsDorita B. - Vielen lieben Dank, darüber freuen wir uns wirklich sehr! Wir sind immer gern für dich da und ein dickes fettes Dankeschön dafür, dass du so großartig bist. Wir versuchen unseren Service sowie unsere Produkte stets zu verbessern und schätzen wirklich jede Rückmeldung. |
Lors de mes déplacementsTrès pratique quand on fait beaucoup de déplacements! 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
NajaSo richtig überzeugt bin ich nicht. 0 of 0 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsManuela T. - Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Wir bedauern sehr, dass unser Classic Shampoo (Probe) nicht Ihre Erwartungen erfüllt hat. Im Zuge unserer Kundenzufriedenheitsgarantie möchten wir gern mit Ihnen darüber sprechen, wie wir es wiedergutmachen können. Jeder einzelne Kunde liegt uns sehr am Herzen und wir möchten Ihnen ein Produkt anbieten, das Ihre Bedürfnisse besser erfüllt. Bitte halten Sie Ausschau nach einer E-Mail mit weiteren Informationen. |
Trop peu de contenuDose trop faible, quantité de produit trop limitee 0 of 2 people found this review helpful. Did you? |
Response From Our ExpertsStephanie J. - Nous vous remercions d’avoir pris le temps de nous faire part de vos commentaires ! Nous sommes désolés d’apprendre que la quantité de produit contenu dans nos dosettes n'était pas suffisante. Nous voulons sans cesse améliorer notre service et nos produits et nous tenons à votre satisfaction en tant que cliente. Nous espérons pouvoir vous aider ! |