Ask the Pros: What Causes Hair Loss?

Experiencing hair loss? We’re here to help.

Hair loss can be frustrating, emotional, confusing, and—let’s be honest—downright isolating. But the truth is, hair loss in women is more common than you think. It can be caused by a variety of factors, from hormones to stress to the natural aging process. 

But understanding what’s behind it is the first step in keeping your hair healthy, strong, and thriving. Whether you notice more strands in the shower drain, your ponytail feels thinner, or your once-full hairline looks a little sparse, here’s what you need to know about hair loss in women. 

Hormonal Changes & Hair Loss 

Hormones play a huge role in hair growth. Fluctuations in estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can impact your hair’s natural growth cycle, sometimes leading to excessive shedding or thinning. Common hormonal causes of hair loss in women include:  

- Postpartum Hair Loss: After pregnancy, estrogen levels drop, which can cause sudden shedding (known as telogen effluvium). The good news? It’s temporary, and hair usually returns to its normal growth pattern.  

- Menopause: As estrogen and progesterone levels decline, hair may become thinner, and some women notice an increase in shedding. Androgens (male hormones) may also rise, shrinking hair follicles and leading to finer, weaker strands.  

- Thyroid Imbalance: Both hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) and hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can cause hair loss. Since the thyroid regulates metabolism, any disruption can impact hair growth cycles.  

Stress & Hair Shedding 

Stress isn’t just bad for your mind—it can also take a toll on your hair. When the body experiences prolonged stress, it can trigger telogen effluvium, a condition where hair shifts from the growing phase to the shedding phase too quickly. This can happen after:  

- A major life event (like a breakup, job loss, or surgery)  

- Chronic stress from work, relationships, or health issues  

- Poor sleep or nutritional deficiencies  

The silver lining? Once stress levels are managed, hair often rebounds within a few months. Practicing self-care, getting enough sleep, and incorporating relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga can help keep stress-related shedding in check.  

Age & Hair Thinning

As we age, our hair naturally changes—just like our skin. Over time, hair follicles shrink, leading to finer, weaker strands. This process, known as senescent alopecia, is different from hormonal hair loss because it happens gradually, without sudden shedding.  

Additionally, scalp circulation slows down with age, meaning fewer nutrients reach hair follicles. The result? Hair may become drier, thinner, and take longer to grow. Using scalp-stimulating treatments (like a scalp massage in the shower) and nourishing products with strengthening ingredients can help keep strands looking fuller and healthier.  

Lifestyle Factors That Can Contribute to Hair Loss 

While hormones, stress, and aging are some of the biggest culprits, other lifestyle and health factors can play a role, too:  

- Diet & Nutrition Deficiencies: A lack of iron, protein, or B vitamins can weaken hair and lead to excessive shedding.  

- Tight Hairstyles & Overstyling: Constantly pulling hair into tight ponytails, braids, or buns can lead to traction alopecia, a form of hair loss caused by tension on the hair shaft. Be sure to switch up your hairstyles occasionally to give strands a break.

- Overprocessing & Heat Damage: Frequent bleaching, coloring, or heat styling can weaken hair, causing breakage that mimics thinning.  

Easier Ways to Support Healthy Hair

If you’re noticing excessive hair loss, don’t panic—there are ways to support your hair’s natural growth cycle:  

- Use gentle, nourishing hair care with a focus on scalp care and strengthening.

- Prioritize scalp health by massaging in scalp serums to boost circulation.  

- Maintain a balanced diet with plenty of protein, iron, and vitamins.  

- Manage stress with mindful activities that help keep cortisol levels in check.  

- Be kind to your hair by minimizing heat styling, avoiding tight hairstyles, and opting for protective styles when needed.  

Hair loss in women is common, but it’s not something you have to accept without a fight. By understanding the causes—whether it’s hormones, stress, or aging—you can take proactive steps to keep your strands looking and feeling their best. And remember: healthy hair starts from within, so treating your body with care will always reflect in your hair.  

Need hair growth support tailored to your unique needs? Try eSalon’s Custom Hair Growth—because your hair deserves a personalized touch.